
Ask The Expert – Questions Asked By You!

It’s that time of the month again where we give you, our members a chance to ask the awkward questions you want the answers to.

Last month we brought you photo tips and advice and prompted you to send us questions about confidence and how to boost it. We were inundated with some really great questions, but unfortunately we can only answer a few per email, meaning we picked the most common questions and brought you what we thought were the best answers. Next month’s topic is Dates, including the do’s and don’ts, what to say, what not to say, etc… so if you’ve got any questions about dates, be it your first, second or maybe even third date, we’re here to offer our advice.7b2845851b6c520de7b7092dacde09c4_original

Remember to send your questions to and we’ll do our best to answer them in next month’s edition.


Asking someone out on a date is always daunting, and unless there is a clear spark there, is very rarely easy. But there are a couple of simple things to remember which should make it a little easier.4ff98e43ccee0c2a5945fd6bbc795840_original

1. Prepare yourself for rejection: No one likes to be told no, but it’s a fact of life and something we have to take in our stride and accept we aren’t going to get what we want. This is no more relevant than when asking someone out on a date. By preparing yourself for the worst, you are already getting over the biggest hurdle and in return, getting over your worries which bring on a lack of confidence and affect performance.

2. Avoid straight forward questions: Unless you’re 100% sure the answer is going to be ‘Yes’ avoid asking outright “will you go out with me” as this often leads to a short and simple “No!”, knocking your confidence and leaving you with nothing else to come back with. Try making it less formal whilst leaving options. “Hey, I’d really like to get together sometime and do something with you”. Not only does this open a conversation of the whats, wheres and whens, but it also reduces the possibilities for the other party to simply knock you back.

3. Know when to give up: It should be pretty clear from the outset as to whether the other party is interested in a date or not. If after following the steps above, and you’ve suggested a couple of dates and you’re still getting short, one-word answers of “Not Free”, “I’m busy that day” and “sorry, I can’t make it”.

It’s now time to cut your losses and give up as each rejection is just going to knock your confidence more and more, making it even harder for the next time as well as making you look more and more desperate. Know when to give up and move on.

Why not log in now, follow these short and simple steps and find someone to take out on a date now.


To some people sex is a big part of an intimate relationship whereas to others, it’s not important in the slightest. Some people find this a hard subject to raise due to sex being looked upon as a taboo matter. However, the best way to approach this is to be straight forward and honest.

There isn’t an easy way to bring it up, nor is it a good idea to speak in code. Be open, be honest and ask. Afterall, if the person is right for you, they will understand and the conversation will flow, if it doesn’t then maybe you’ve not found your perfect match.


Permitting both parties are within the legal age of consent, there is no rule on age difference, it is simply down to the people involved and whether or not you feel comfortable with the difference in age between the two of you. No matter how comfortable you feel together in the quiet of the home, if you feel uncomfortable outside in public with the other person because of the age difference, then it’s not right for you.
If you both share common interests, and there is a spark there, then there is nothing wrong with an age gap.

Now you have the answers, it’s time to act on them. And don’t forget, there’s nothing to it, it’s simply a case of being confident… try it – it could be the key to your new online dating success.

Next month we’re looking at dates where we’ll cover where to go, what not to do, things to wear, and overall coaching tips.

So email your questions to and we’ll publish the best ones, along with answers from our very own experts in next month’s email.


Dating Pulling tips

Cliché Dating Advice

Dating comes with a whole bunch of clichéd phrases that we’ve all heard time and time again. Whether you’ve just come out of a relationship, the love interest you’ve been yearning after for longer than you can remember has moved on and settled down, or you’re 30 and still single, you’ll find that there is always someone (usually armed with a bottle of wine and two glasses) there to offer up some wise words of wisdom; so you can dust yourself off and get back on the saddle. Check out our top 5 most common pieces of advice and find out the true meaning behind them.

  • “There’s plenty more fish in the sea – How many times have you heard this one? It’s the classic line that usually gets used just after a break up. It’s usually around the same time that you utter the words ‘yeah but I wanted that fish’.

What it means: Ok, so it might not literally be about fish but the analogy is correct. Just like fish, there’s plenty more eligible singles out there. Just because it didn’t work out with this person, doesn’t mean you won’t find love again.


  • You’ll find them when you stop looking – The technology of finding someone these days may have advanced but the advice still sends mixed messages. Are they suggesting you’re desperate? Should you cancel your online dating subscription, stop going out and sit at home waiting for your phone to ring? Of course not.

What it means: Simply put, get out there, enjoy life, let go of the pressures of finding someone and just see what happens. It also means you can keep your You’ve Pulled subscription going!


  • Think positive and positive things will happen” – This phrase is probably the most ambiguous of all of the dating clichés out there. So technically, all you have to do is start thinking you’ll get a boyfriend/girlfriend and you’ll get one.

What it means: Positivity breeds positivity. Plus, things have a tendency to fall into place when you’re busy being happy.


  • You’re standards are too high – Are high standards ever a bad thing? Surely it means that you know what you’re looking for in a partner and you’re not willing to settle for anything less.

What it means: Perhaps you can afford to let your barriers down a little and give someone who isn’t usually your type a go. You never know, you may fall in love with someone you weren’t expecting to.


  • You were too good for him/her anyway” – This is a direct quote from anyone who has ever given advice to someone who has just gone through a breakup. It’s all well and good saying that now but why didn’t you tell me this sooner? You mean to say I’ve been wasting my time with some no-hoper for the last 2 years and you’re only telling me now?

What it means: Your friends and family love you. They think you’re fabulous. So while they may have loved your other half while you were dating, now that you’ve been dumped, they happen to think they’re a bit of an idiot for letting you go. It’s a compliment, take it!


We’d love to hear from you if you’ve got any other dating advice that you’ve been given time and time again. Just leave a comment in the box below.

Alternatively, if you’ve had enough of hearing friends and relatives dishing out advice, why not sign up to You’ve Pulled or log in to your account today and find someone to help you put a stop to it!

Dating Mobile Dating Pulling tips

Tips for Successful Text Dating on Your Mobile

If your busy schedule does not allow you to have long conversations on the phone with potential dates, then you should try text dating. Text dating is a lot less time-consuming than phone dating, but it can give you the same results if it is done the right way. Here are some tips that can help you text date successfully on your mobile:

Be Different

Many people like to “play it cool” when they are talking to new friends or potential love interests, but it does not work with everybody. Playing it cool means that you are not getting straight to the point, and it can slow down the progress of relationships. Instead of doing what most people are doing, you should try to be different. If you are interested in someone, it is best that you text him or her right away. It is important that you let your potential dates know that you are keen initially, and you can play it cool after their guard is down.

Send Messages on One-for-One Basis

Try not to send more messages than you receive. If you send a message and do not receive a reply after a day or two, do not panic. Everybody has their own lives to live and things to do. The people you send messages to may be busy with work or have other important things to attend to, and they need more time to reply your messages. If you are getting more messages than you are sending out, it is a sign that things are going well.

Avoid Text-Speak

While it is common for people to use short hand when writing text messages, it is best that you use full sentences when you are communicating with your potential romantic interests. It will show that you are sincere, and you want to make sure that they get the full meaning of every message you send to them.

Get to the Point

All the text messages you send should achieve something specific. If you want to arrange a meeting with someone, you should let him or her know your intention, but try to ask in a creative way. If you send too many pointless messages, you will just end up becoming his or her text buddy.

Do Not Rush In

When you ask your potential love interests to go out on a date with you, it is not a good idea to ask them directly. Instead, ask questions that will lead to the invitation. For instance, if you want to have dinner with them, ask them to name their favorite food and suggest visiting a restaurant that serves that kind of food.

Keep Things in Context

Follow the rules and etiquette of text dating, and stay focused on your goal. Every message you send should bring you closer to the realization of that goal. Write messages that are short, fun, and sweet, and do not feel stressed over late replies. As long as your potential dates keep sending messages to you, it means that you are still on their minds, and you still have a chance to win their hearts.


If Dating Was Like the Movies

Here at You’ve Pulled we’re suckers for a good rom-com or love story; from the classics such as Pretty Woman and Breakfast at Tiffany’s to the more modern day rom coms such as He’s Just Not That Into You and Love Actually – we’ve seen them all. However, there’s just one thing bugging us. You see, the thing about these films is that dating just isn’t like that in real life. Know how we know? Because if it was things like this would happen…
Music would play… every time you kiss.
You’d never… get food in your teeth, trip over, have bad breath, have a hair out of place, or sit through an awkward silence.
All of your dates would… take place in the coolest bar in town, on a yatch, on a rooftop, in front of the most amazing backdrop – you get the idea.
You’d meet hot singles… in the most mundane places such as the library, on the train or at your local coffee shop.
Office romances… would never be messy or awkward.
Your date would look like… Megan Fox, Angelina Jolie, Scarlet Johansson, Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Channing Tatum {insert any hot celeb name here}.
You’d kiss in the rain… not end up wet, miserable and resembling a drowned rat!
Eating a plate of spaghetti… would result in locking lips with your lover as opposed to having sauce down your chin and all over your new white top.
Your dramatic attempt at running away to start a new life… would end in your love interest chasing after you and stopping you just before you board the plane. This would, of course, be followed by a weepy round of applause from the crowd!
Your new love would… declare their love for you on a series of romantic flash cards, serenade you, buy you a new wardrobe etc.
You’d always get… the girl/guy.
You’d live… happily ever after!
Yep, dating is pretty glamorous in the movies isn’t it? *swoon*. Can you think of any rom-com clichés that don’t happen in real life?

Dating Pulling tips

What Not to Say on a First Date

Last month we gave you some helpful ‘first date conversation tips’ so you’d never be stuck for something to say on a first date. However, what happens when nerves get the better of you and you let your tongue runs away with itself, perhaps having too much to say? You end up revealing too much and scaring your date off before you’ve even reached the main course that’s what! So to help make sure you keep the conversation on track here’s what not to say on a first date.

Bad mouthing your ex – This really is a no brainer but on a first date you really shouldn’t be talking about your ex. Not only is it a huge turn off but it could also suggest that you’re not quite over your previous relationship!

Financial problems- This is way too much information for a first date not to mention a major turn off. Discussing your credit card problems or your low salary is not appropriate first date chit chat. And whatever you do don’t order the most expensive thing on the menu and expect your date to pay!

You want kids and marriage ASAP – Start talking about marriage and kids on a first date and you’re only going to send off one signal – desperate! Harsh but true. Marriage and kids is something that most people see in their future but don’t get ahead of yourself and save that conversation for when things are a little more serious.

“I love you” – This one speaks for itself! Sure someone people fall in love quickly, but on a first date? If you don’t want to scare your date off completely save these three little words for a lot further down the line.

Insecurities –Sure, we all have insecurities, we’re only human after all. However, talking about them will only make you feel worse about yourself not to mention bring the mood of the date down. As bad as it sounds your date isn’t there to be your agony aunt. They’re there to find out what’s great about you!

“Can I take your picture?” – Unless you want to send your date running in the opposite direction do not say this! You might want to show your date off to your friends but this will just come across a little, well, stalker’ish. Plus, you can always see their photo on You’ve Pulled.


Date Ideas Dating

What to eat on a first date!

Lucky you, you’ve got a first date with someone you’ve been talking to from the site and you’ve planned to go for dinner. Chances are, as it’s a first date, you’ll be scrutinising everything – even down to where you go and what your date orders.

So based on our own experiences, we thought we’d have a little fun and put together a list of first date food choices and what they could say about your partner. Fun rather than factual, however, we think there could be some truth in this.
1. Ribs or Spaghetti: They don’t have any hang ups, are willing to take risks and are not afraid of looking silly. Someone who orders ribs or spaghetti on a first date is likely to be a confident person.
2. A margherita pizza: Plain and simple, just like your date perhaps? Ordering the most boring thing on the menu shows that your date could be quite a fussy character and not one for straying from their normal routine.
3. Tapas: A social person who enjoys adventure and likes to try new things.
4. Chicken nuggets and chips: If your date opts for ‘fast food’ or ‘freezer food’ on a first date, it could be an indication that they are quite childish by nature and lazy too. Likewise, if you order this on a first date, you’re unlikely to get a second.
5. French food: They are sophisticated, tasteful and enjoy the finer things in life.
6. Salad: Not only does it scream vain and make your date look high maintenance, it could also be a sign that they’re tight with their money.
7. Pub grub: Laid back, sociable, and fun. A bit of pub grub shows that your date doesn’t take things too seriously.
8. Garlic bread: They don’t kiss on a first date
9. Oysters/Asparagus: They go past first base on a first date.
10. Lobster: They’re paying!

Phew! Now that’s dinner de-coded all that’s left to do is to make sure you don’t any leafy greens stuck in your teeth or pasta sauce smeared around your mouth! We hope that’s given you food for thought for your next dinner date, but remember, it’s just a bit of fun so don’t take it too seriously!

Why not log into your You’ve Pulled account to find your perfect dinner date today!

Date Ideas Dating Dating In Brighton

Dating in Brighton – places to visit and things to do

"dating in Brighton"Okay so you’ve managed to land yourself a date, now what? Here are some ideas of places to go and things to do in the sunny seaside town of Brighton. The You’ve Pulled team have been busy and have wandered the streets aimlessly researching places to go on your behalf. So if the best idea you’ve had so far is a stuffed crust pizza down the hut then stop right there and read our magnificent suggestions.

1)     The seaside – Yes it’s free and there is plenty of it. Sit on the pebbles with your loved one and look out to sea. Make sure the weather is good and you’ve got some cold wine to drink. Important notice – pick the right part of the beach as you don’t want to pick the wrong part and end up on the nudist beach. You’ll be surrounded by fat rotund men or maybe that’s what you’re into to in which case..carry on.

2)     Go on the pier and win your mate a cuddly toy by playing one of the many games on the pier. For the real romantics you can go to Horatio’s bar at the end of the pier and sing your favourite karaoke. This not working for you? Try one of the fairground rides…just make sure you haven’t just eaten half a dozen doughnuts before you go on otherwise you maybe sharing a little more than you planned too!

3)     Go watch a film at the Duke of York’s cinema – Britain’s oldest cinema. Watch an arty subtitled film here and make sure you sit up in the balcony and get a sofa so you can cuddle up and get frisky with your Maltesers. You can take booze in as well so it’s just like being at home but with a bigger screen.

4)     Dance the night away in one of the many clubs on the seafront. Get low down and sweaty and dance like its 1999….yep still doing those old rave moves. If the date is going really well then come out and get an early morning cheeseburger at Buddies – a 24 hour restaurant on the beach.

5)     Not very good at telling jokes and making them laugh? Then let someone else do it. Head to the Komedia for some stand up comedy and then grab a drink in one of the trendy pubs in the North lanes of Brighton.

6)     Want something a little more active? Then cycle up to the Devils Dyke on the South Downs with a picnic. Better make it a small one though as its mainly up hill.

7)     Want somewhere romantic? Then try a nice bottle of wine or cocktail in one of the swanky hotels like Hotel Du Vin, Grand, Metropole or MyHotel.

8)     Or if you just want to get down to it and have that dirty weekend in Brighton then book yourself into the ‘play room’ at the Pelirocco hotel. The room has a pole dancing area so we’ll say no more.

Hope these dating tips help and if you’re still looking for that elusive person to take out then try dating in Brighton on You’ve Pulled – online dating and chat for UK singles. Come visit us and join for free today.

Dating Mobile Dating

Text Chat And Dating On Your Mobile

When it comes to entering today’s dating field, your mobile phone will be one of your most needed tools in order to converse, flirt and chat to potential new mates. Whether you opt to use chat on your mobile to send a few flirty emoticons in order to get a budding romance started, or you are sending in-depth texts to keep an already established mobile chat relationship going; in the 21st century, the mobile is a crucial tool for modern today’s singleton. If you are currently registered with an online dating site, utilizing text chat on your mobile can help you to sustain budding relationships or simply partake in some cheeky flirting wherever you may be.

Text chat for your mobile is one of the quickest and most convenient methods of modern dating today. With almost every person from the ages of 18-50 owning their own personal mobile, it is the most ideal form of technological dating. Text chat for your mobile works in a similar way to if you had recently met someone at a bar and exchanged your mobile number for their. Although there can be the initial worry of what you should say when text chatting, text chat for your mobile is an effective yet simple way in which to start a connection with someone else. You do not need to possess a great deal of confidence or worry about your personal appearance; you merely need to know the right thing to say. Should the receiver opt to ignore your text, you can then move onto a different recipient, the hopes of strumming up a conversation.

The trick to using text chat on your mobile effectively is to not come across as too eager or enthusiastic during the beginnings of your conversation. Although text chatting is an informal way of communication that does not leave you feeling obliged to respond, you do not want to run the risk of being misinterpreted. If after a few exchanged messages you choose you are no longer interested in conversing with the recipient in question, you may run the risk of diminishing their hopes if you had previously appeared to be extremely keen. Start with short, minimal texts that cover the basics, elaborating more as you become more comfortable with the situation and individual.

Another important tip is to be courteous and honest. Research shows that a staggering 28% of relationships end via a text message which is both disrespectful and insensitive. The unspoken rule with text chat for your mobile is to return a text within a few hours as choosing to not reply can come across as ignorant or even cruel. If you are no longer interested in text chatting with the individual, use your response to kindly state that you wish to end your correspondence with one another. Be careful to not jump into using sarcastic comments until a base relationship has been established. Text chatting can be difficult at times as it is hard to decipher the context in which a text message is intended which can often leave a recipient feeling upset, confused or even offended. Once they are aware of your sense of humour, you can then opt to include comments that mirror your personality.

Text chat on your mobile is a great way in which to keep yourself active within the dating game as it eliminates the stress that can come from instantly meeting people face-to-face. Now you can flirt and chat with prospective mates around the clock without the need to be sat by a computer which is surely a great way in which to fight your way through the sometimes strenuous dating game, right?

Dating Mobile Dating

Dating On Your Mobile Phone

Nowadays, many dating and chat sites offer phone dating, some are free and others you have to pay for. Dating on your phone is extremely popular these days as it allows you to actually speak to the other person and get to know them better. Email, text and instant messaging are all very well but you can really get an idea of a person by speaking to them on the phone.

Dating on the phone is a great way of meeting potential new partners or making new friends and all you need is your phone to make it happen! Phone dating sites will give you the chance to browse through all the profiles of the men or women available for dating and will also give you a list of those that best match your profile. When you have decided who to call then it is all down to you!

Here are a few tips to make sure that your experience of mobile phone dating goes without a hitch:

  • Pick your moment. Make sure you are comfortable and in a place where you are not likely to be disturbed. There is nothing worse than having to cut a phone call short because of an interruption so make sure you’re somewhere where it’s quiet as well.
  • Get prepared. It is perfectly normal to be nervous talking to someone for the first time, especially when you don’t know them. Think about what you are going to say to a person before you speak to them and note down some subject topics before picking up the phone. You can use these just in case things dry up on the phone.
  • Keep things light. Don’t go into too much detail as this may bore the person at the other end, but at the same time don’t just give one word answers. Steer clear of heavy topics such as politics or religion as these are always tricky things to talk about, especially when you’ve only just met someone. Try and be as humorous as possible as this will keep the other person interested.
  • Ask questions. But also really listen to the answers. If you remember what a person has said to you it will show that you are genuinely interested in what they have to say and will make it clear that you are a good listener.
  • Strike a balance. You need to make sure that you are sharing details about your life and asking questions about them; it is all about finding the right balance.

Using phone dating sites is a great way of getting to know people. You can use the service for whatever you like, maybe you’re after some casual chat, phone fun, flirting or dating; you can find it all on the phone!

Remember on You’ve Pulled you can try out our singles phone chat service. You’ll be amazed at how many people are chatting on the line right now.